Root Cause Therapy
Root-Cause Therapy is a trauma healing method, which allows the completion and release of unprocessed emotions which are still presently causing unwanted thoughts, negative behaviours and repetitive choices that are keeping you stuck.
It allows you to see what limiting beliefs you are holding in your body to have a deeper understanding of why you do what you do, and why you think/feel how you do, and to release the unwanted patterns consciously, with you in the driving seat along with the knowledge and guidance of your practitioner.
Assumptions and ‘theories’ aren’t necessary, as the therapy uses advance ways of testing to discover the actual causation of the currently presenting unease within oneself.
We tap into the self-healing mechanisms of the deeper parts of the mind in an empowering safe container, whilst you are still conscious and awake.
Each session with me, as a qualified RCT practitioner, is structured to help prioritise the needs of the client, in working through & releasing life-long symptoms and past hurts in a gentle yet thorough way, and as a qualified Naturopath I can blend personalised herbs and bush flower essences that support the physical and emotional as you are integrating.
Each session uses a ‘Testing Sheet’, so that both you and the practitioner can note changes, provide tangible data and pinpoint your aims in each session.
Root Cause Therapy can help you to stop talking about the issues and heal them at a deep level, get at the root-cause of your presenting symptoms.
If you are experiencing looping patterns you can't seem to release, negative self talk, unhelpful habits and behaviours, anxiety, procrastination, PTSD or low self belief because of painful events in the past or anxiety about the future, real change is possible as this therapy works on all levels of our mind – the conscious (the part reading) and the unconscious (which holds our automatic learnt behaviours and bottled up emotions).
A minimum of 3 sessions is required. You may continue to work with this therapy for longer, but as with all inner work, the radical shifts are compounded and can only come when we continue to show up to the sessions, no matter how much resistance the mind brings up.
Be open, honest and ready to make amazing changes in your world.
*Payment plans are available.